Every showroom exhibits sparkling, new cars ready for purchase by eager consumers. Experienced professionals collaborate to develop each car’s unique look. Painting the car is a process which involves planning, creativity, and precision. Chemists develop new colours in laboratories. It’s the first step to creating the perfect shade, convincing shoppers to buy and protect the car once it leaves the dealership.
Chemists combine paint to develop pigments which absorb or reflect light, leaving a specific colour. By adding certain ingredients, paints may look rougher or finer. Before applying the unique colour, engineers dip each car in a phosphate composition that is the base of the car’s paint job. Primers and paints are next. Robots spray a fog made of small paint particles which adhere to the vehicle. A clear coat with no pigment finishes layers of electroplated pigment.
The clear coat of paint protects the car against the elements, including rain, dirt, sun rays, and chemicals. It’s where that high shine comes from which draws buyers into the dealership. Most cars manufactured after the 80s have the second, clear coat for added protection. A manufacturer’s paint job may last for a lifetime. However, some car buyers may experience wear, weather, rust, or accident damage that may harm the original paint.
Auto engineers and chemists collaborate to create and paint new vehicles in unique, vibrant colours. Each buyer purchases a car with the colour which matches his or her preference. All the work involved in developing new paint colours is well worth the effort. According to studies, some car buyers will switch to a different make or model, if their colour of choice is not available.